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Structured Innovation and Inventive Problem Solving for Healthcare Innovation

“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t 

know what you’re doing.” 
                                                                                         W. Edwards Deming 

Program Description

These Healthcare Innovation courses provide the opportunity to acquire an in-depth education in structured approaches to innovation. The education develops skills for dealing with real world challenges with the intent of providing real value whenever possible, e.g. ideas / concepts / solutions to support the improvement and development of healthcare processes, solutions for complex interactions between patients and other departments, et al. This series of courses focuses on identifying and delivering solutions that increase value, improve processes, improve the patient experience, integrate new approaches into the organization, et al.

Program Objectives

After completing each of the following courses in the Structured Innovation / Inventive Problem Solving for Healthcare Innovation the student will be certified in each of the courses and upon completion of 600 hours of training will receive a Professional Innovator diploma.
Courses are offered in seminar and semester formats. Seminar offerings are compressed and scheduled to match a team’s specific needs.
All courses include self-directed project labs which gives individual students and teams the opportunity to deliver a return on investment to potentially offset the cost of the course.

Current Healthcare Innovation Course Offerings

Healthcare Innovation I – Summer 2016

  • Learn how high-level innovators think about and solve problems that have ‘no known or acceptable solution’.

Healthcare Innovation II – Fall 2016

  • Learn how to add more structure to solving complex problems and how to leverage knowledge of the evolution of systems. 

Contact Dana W. Clarke, Sr., Dean of the Department for information on scheduling compressed seminar training for teams.

Expanded Course Offerings for 2017 and Beyond:

Measurement, Detection and Control Systems Innovation for Healthcare

  • Learn how to attack challenging measurement, detection and control challenges in healthcare, how to improve existing systems, how to create new systems and how to evolve existing systems.

Predicting and Preventing Mistakes in Healthcare

  • Learn how to use structured approaches to predict potential failures associated with healthcare processes, services, etc. and prevent or mitigate the risk associated with the threats.

Paradigm Shifting Innovation for Healthcare

  • Learn how to analyze a healthcare process or system for the specific purpose of identifying and removing significant barriers to change and how to use the results of analysis as a means of validating the identified paradigm shift.

Strategically Evolving the Future of Healthcare

  • Learn how to analytically define and map how the future ‘can and will’ unfold for the purpose of developing and evolving strategies for healthcare models and processes. This process moves beyond traditional roadmaps and has numerous additional competitive / business intelligence advantages.

Train-the-Trainer and Facilitation Skills

  • Learn how to teach and facilitate individuals and teams focused on applying structured approaches to solving complex problems and developing strategies. While this course focuses on training and facilitation skills, one of its primary focal points is dealing with the psychological factors / challenges that block innovation success.

Additional specialized courses and seminars are being planned.

  • The Department of Structured Innovation and Inventive Problem Solving Sciences is committed to developing courses focused on the needs of organizations to enable: 1) increasing existing market profits; 2) increasing existing market share; 3) taking control of new market niches; 4) increasing overall market size; 5) creating whole new markets; and 6) improving price earnings ratios and/or image as an innovative organization.

Potential Career Impact

  • Deliver a significant return on investment as a result of each course
  • Advance your career
  • Become an innovation leader / go-to-person for innovative solutions
  • Deliver significant growth and profitability improvements
  • Train and facilitate other professionals; multiply yourself
  • Enhance your resume
  • Improve your job opportunities